Attrition Cells/Scrubbers

摩擦细胞/洗涤器设计用于擦洗颗粒表面, 释放有害物质,分解与耐久性有关的假微粒, such as hard-pan clays.


How Attrition Cells/Scrubbers Work

Attrition Cells/Scrubbers are typically fed by Separators™ 以高密度呈现材料,以达到最佳的洗涤效果, but also can be fed by Hydrosizers™ or Dewatering Screens. 操作密度因应用而异,但通常在72-75%的固体重量范围内. 为了保持正确的操作密度,在功率上升时自动添加稀释水. In the event of excessive power draw, the motor shuts off to protect the motor, gearbox and shaft/paddles.

The top size of the feed is typically of up to 1/2” (12 mm). Surface contaminants, such as clays, oxides and chemicals, 通过颗粒对颗粒的摩擦去除,这种摩擦是由摩擦单元内的一系列旋转桨产生的,这些摩擦单元已被调整成适合应用的大小.  

磨损单元/洗涤器的配置,以提供最有效的性能, 产生一个高剪切环境,在这个环境中,颗粒对颗粒的摩擦冲刷表面并释放有害物质. 由于较高水平的物料通过装置太快,无法完全处理, multiple Attrition Cells/Scrubbers are used in series.

物料进入底部的摩擦池/洗涤器,通过位移向上通过槽, 受到高速轴向和径向运动,以最好地提供颗粒对颗粒的洗涤作用. 物料溢出顶部的磨损单元,并通过该系列中的下一个单元, where the scrubbing is repeated. 提供一系列堰来增加或减少在磨损池/洗涤器中处理的总体积. 保留时间基于测试工作,可以在1到8分钟之间变化. 留存时间越长,消耗的能量和投资的回报就越少.

In cases of severe contamination, interstage washing is used. In this type of application, 材料可以通过泵和分离器™或其他方法进行稀释和处理, and are then directed to the next stage for further attritioning.

The most commonly used Attrition Cell/Scrubber is a 1.7 m3 unit with multiple units in series. These can be round, square or octagonal. Larger Attrition Cells/Scrubbers are available; however, multiple smaller units are preferred due to their efficiency.

磨耗单元/洗涤器是工业砂(压裂砂、玻璃砂、运动砂等)的理想选择.) and mineral sands to meet turbidity and color test requirements. They can be used in the production of iron ore, clay, and sand and gravel, as well as in the preparation of flotation feeds and reagent washing. They also allow more efficient downstream separation, such as in flotation and electrostatic/electromagnetic separation. 

Why McLanahan Attrition Cells/Scrubbers

McLanahan Attrition Cells/Scrubbers are designed to be robust. 它们具有重型直接驱动齿轮箱,消除了通常与v带驱动单元相关的滑移. They also feature field-replaceable rubber liners, 轴保护和单独可更换的桨,更长的磨损寿命和减少维修停机时间.

McLanahan's in-house Applications Research Laboratory 对样品材料进行实验室规模的测试,以评估最适合应用的工艺, whether it's surface contamination or durability issues, as well as to determine the effectiveness of that process. 这确保了选择合适尺寸和数量的消耗池/洗涤器,以实现现场最有效的操作配置. McLanahan offers multiple configurations of Attrition Cells, including a variety of sizes and shapes, 以及独特的可调内部几何形状,以提供最大的擦洗和提高最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的质量.

McLanahan在消耗电池/洗涤器和许多安装在各种应用中的装置方面拥有30多年的经验. Our experienced geological and process engineering 员工可以协助您的应用需求,以确保效率和盈利生产.

Frequently Asked Questions About Attrition Cells/Scrubbers

Ask An Expert

使用摩擦池/洗涤器去除粘土的典型保留时间在2到5分钟之间, but specifications and individual requirements vary. 确定保留时间需要多长时间的唯一方法是测试材料.

Particle shape, size and mineralogy affect the wear life of Attrition Cells/Scrubbers, 有时,建筑材料必须根据不同的应用而变化. No manufacturer can guarantee wear life, 但是,对正在加工的材料的先进知识可以帮助选择耐磨材料和厚度,以帮助最大限度地延长磨损寿命.

在某些应用中,有必要向摩擦池/洗涤器进料中添加化学品,以改善摩擦过程的性能. 某些建筑材料受到不同化学物质的不利影响, 因此,在购买和/或使用其他化学品之前咨询制造商是很重要的.

出于安全原因,McLanahan没有使用侧面通道进入消耗单元/洗涤器. As work components often have sharp edges, 到达容器内部并分度轴旋转可能导致不受控制地暴露于尖锐表面和意外接触. 提取轴总成可以更容易地控制和更完整地进入总成,以评估任何磨损或损坏. 这使得维修人员能够以最高的安全性拆卸/更换磨损的部件. 内部表面的检查也可以在拆卸轴总成的情况下进行.


Features & Benefits
  • Direct-drive shaft eliminates V-belt slippage
  • Field-replaceable natural rubber liners and paddles allow shell liners, baffles, 在现场更换桨和轴保护-无需工厂重建
  • 可调轮毂允许桨组内的磨耗细胞/洗涤器重新定向
  • Up-front testing provides the greatest confidence in capital expenditure
  • 坚固的设计可以处理高塑性粘土在高剪切和侵略性擦洗环境

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